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the congressman's two main mistresses speak out

Tuesday, June 7, 2011 , Posted by HTMZ.COM at 12:48 PM

Congressman Anthony Weiner asked one of his girls, a porn star named Ginger Lee (aka mistress #1) to lie about their relationship and even offered her help from his PR team, which might cause him serious legal troubles if they are part of his Congressional staff.

Ginger was the first girl to be pointed out as the recipient of the scandalous bulge picture because she was always very open about her “admiration” for Weiner on Twitter.

On March 1, Ginger declared, “I want to have sexual relations with Anthony Weiner” Ginger clearly had a crush on Mr. Sexy Congressman as she called him, but, on March 13, she wrote, “you know it’s a good day when you wake up to a [direct message] from @RepWeiner”

On March 25, Ginger tweeted, “Weinermania! You’re the only Weiner I need. Is it too early in the day for me to start doing Anthony Weiner love?” A couple of days later, she announced, “Whoa. I get a dose of Anthony Weiner live before I go to work tonight. Weiner before work, me likey.”

And then, Weiner’s leaked crotch shot was all over the news a few days later. When the media started contacting the porn star, Weiner offered her help to control the situation by lying about what happened between them.

On June 1, Weiner emailed Ginger: “The key is to have a short, thought out statement that tackles the top line questions and then refer people back to it. Have a couple of iterations of: ‘This is silly. Like so many others, I follow Rep. Weiner on Twitter. I don’t know him and have never met him. He briefly followed me and sent me a dm saying thank you for the follow. That’s it.’” (…) “And then maybe insert some y’alls in there.”

On June 2, he emailed her, “Do you need to talk to a professional PR type person to give u advice? I can have someone on my team call. [Yeah, my team is doing great. Ugh].”

In that same day, Weiner, who tied the knot with his wife Huma Abedin last July, sent Ginger a statement she should release to the press to explain she hadn’t even met him in person. Another lie since Ginger said she would meet Weiner before work.

Weiner’s proposed statement: Ginger should say, “I have nothing to do with the situation involving Rep Weiner. I follow his twitter feed. And for a brief time he followed me. Much has been made of the fact that I have posted about my admiration for Rep Weiner and his politics. All I can say about that is that I’m a fan of his. Rep. Weiner sent me one short direct message thanking me for following him. I have never met Rep. Weiner and he has never sent me anything innappopriate (sic) …”

Mistress #2, Meagan Broussard, broke the silence to tell all about her relationship with Rep. Anthony Weiner, who finally admitted that he had sent taken and sent the leaked lewd pictures to several women.
The 26 year-old single mom claimed Weiner had sent her many naughty pictures during a long period of time in an exclusive interview for ABC News. Porn star Ginger Lee is another of Weiner’s mistresses, who did not even try to hide her obsession with the congressman.

After denying everything and saying he was hacked, Weiner was basically forced to come clean when he learned about Meagan desire to speak (for a good amount of money, allegedly!). Is Weiner becoming the new Tiger Woods?

Read more: http://bumpshack.com/#ixzz1OdJQDHig

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