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man stabs friend to death over arguement during NBA finals

Wednesday, June 8, 2011 , Posted by HTMZ.COM at 9:01 AM

A Kansas City man named Donald Jones has been charged with destroying his friend, Ronald Oliver, during an argument over Game 1 of the NBA Finals last week. The story itself is sad enough, but is made even more so by Jones’ mugshot, which is pretty much everything you’d expect from a guy whokilled his friend with a knife over a basketball game.

At some point during last Tuesday’s Game 1, one of them grabbed a knife (because, Jones would later tell police, it was “relevant to the argument”). The knife ended up in Jones’ hands, and he proceeded to throw it at his friend. It landed in Oliver’s chest, and police would later find Jones kneeling over Oliver, holding a towel to his chest. He said he pulled the knife out and attempted to apply pressure to the wound. He’s been charged with voluntary manslaughter and armed criminal action.


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