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our mayor giuliani will be running for prez (again)...what do the people have to say??

Thursday, June 9, 2011 , Posted by HTMZ.COM at 11:59 AM

Rudy Giuliani is to run for the White House in next year’s elections, according to reports.

Giuliani last ran for president in 2008 but ended up withdrawing when his poll numbers collapsed.

The former mayor of New York during 9/11 is said to be about to announce his second bid for the presidency with the Republican party.

According to Bill Kristol The Weekly Standard he now claims he has the credentials to turn America around and get it back on its feet.
The magazine claims Giuliani will argue that he was tough enough to sort out New York’s crime problem in the 1990s so will be tough enough to fix the $14 trillion U.S. deficit today.
He will claim that he lost his first attempt at becoming mayor of New York and made it on the second go - a feat he would replicate in the presidential race.
If Giuliani declares he will have a long way to go in order to catch up with current GOP frontrunner Mitt Romney.
Despite his early success, Romney has come up for criticism from his own party this week over his views on humans causing climate change.
The stance, controversial among Republicans, has not gone down well.
Giuliani, 67, became known as ‘America’s mayor’ for his emotional response to 9/11 which led him to run for the White House in the 2008 elections.
But despite his strong record on law and order he made a series of campaign errors and ended up pulling out when it became clear he had no chance of winning.
The current front runner for the Republican party is Mitt Romney who in the latest poll was ahead of Barack Obama among registered voters.
Commentators have however bemoaned the lack of spirit to the campaign, something which Giuliani could bring to the table.
In the 2008 elections Giuliani started off as the candidate most recognised by Republican voters, even though they disagreed with his liberal stance on issues like gun control and gay rights.
He chose to focus his campaign on the later larger states such as Florida which get him more votes but by the time the campaign got to them the polls had turned against him.
He ended up $3.6million in debt having extinguished the goodwill of the American people and with no votes to show for it.
Now it appears that he could be set to repeat the same mistake by putting all of his efforts into New Hampshire, which hosts the first primary of the election.
‘But pinning everything on a one-state New Hampshire strategy, while it could spell trouble for Romney, smells a lot like Giuliani's one-state Florida strategy in 2008. We know how well that worked.’
Nobody for Giuliani was available for comment.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2001656/Rudy-Giuliani-run-president-claims-Americas-mayor-set-2nd-White-House-bid.html#ixzz1OooDg6xi

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