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Basketball Wives Tami Roman, known to be a B****, knows shes a B****

Thursday, June 9, 2011 , Posted by HTMZ.COM at 11:35 AM

Tami Roman spoke about her upcoming book, tentatively titled The B.I.T.C.H. Chronicles. For Tami, it means Believing In Total And Complete Honesty. She says the "B" word used to send her over the edge so she wrote this book to turn the word into something a bit more positive.

Tami said her purpose for doing "BBW2" (and "BBW3") was to show that world the "other" side of being a basketball wife. Through her story, viewers saw that the marriages don't always work, the money doesn't always last and sometimes there are some hard struggles.
She is said to be filing a lawsuit on her rival Evelyn, as seen on the last episode...yep, watch it, its very entertaining people. She did not give us details during her interview, but those who watch the shown understabnd exactly what went down. This chick is actually pretty official...but when it comesw to initiating legal action, I dont know hoe official that act in itself is....

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