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The Los Angeles Dodgers filed for bankruptcy protection in a Delaware court Monday

Monday, June 27, 2011 , Posted by HTMZ.COM at 8:13 AM

LOS ANGELES – The Los Angeles Dodgers filed for bankruptcy protection in a Delaware court Monday, blaming Major League Baseball for refusing to approve a multibillion-dollar TV deal that owner Frank McCourt was counting on to keep the troubled team afloat.
The Chapter 11 financing permits the Dodgers to use $150 million for daily operations and buys time for the team to seek a media deal and ensure the team's long-term financial stability, the Dodgers said in a news release.
"There will be no disruption to the Dodgers day-to-day business, the baseball team, or to the Dodger fans," the statement said.
Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig announced last week that he wouldn't approve a Dodgers television deal with Fox Sports that reportedly was worth up to $3 billion. That left McCourt cash-starved and facing the prospect of missing the team payroll this Thursday, leading to an MLB takeover.

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