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Isayah Muller, 19, a star running back killed in brooklyn parking lot

Wednesday, June 29, 2011 , Posted by HTMZ.COM at 10:09 AM

NEW YORK -- A high school football star was fatally stabbed in a fight with parking attendants over whether something was stolen from his family's car during his graduation ceremony, police said.
His father was charged Wednesday with assault for his role in the argument, authorities said.

Isayah Muller, 19, a star running back who led his team to the Public Schools Athletic League championship, was rushed to a clinic Tuesday by his family and girlfriend and was later pronounced dead, said Paul Browne, the New York Police Department's chief spokesman.
He was headed to Nassau Community College in Garden City, Long Island, in the fall, according to his Facebook page, which portrayed him as a fun-loving but hardworking sports fan. Friends and family posted how proud they were that he was planning to go to college.
The family arrived at the parking lot in the Bronx at about 9 a.m. Tuesday and walked over to the campus of Lehman College, where graduation was being held for students from Harry S. Truman High School. Following the ceremony, the family picked up their car and headed to a celebratory meal on City Island, a fishing hamlet on the northeastern tip of the Bronx.

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