We Only Know One Dude Who Would Walk Around The Mall In His Boxer Briefs…
If you’re in the NFL, then you’re in the nasty full of snow and black ice Dallas, TX. This particular NFL player was shopping for some pants and walked around the mall in his boxer briefs until he found some that he wanted to buy… SMH! Like we said before, we only know one dude that loves so much attention that he would do this and his name is…
Chad “OchoCinco” Johnson!!!! Check Out His Tweets:
Shopping for jeans at North Park Mall, it’s easier just to go with no pants n try on jeans at each rack #justsayin
North Park Mall is pretty cool but where are all the sales at? No clearance rack or nothing, im looking for a bargain nothing full price
WAMW buy some jeans for 200 dollars at North Park Mall, I will walk around this mall in my briefs till I find some pants for a good price!!!
Really funny, was looking for jeans in my briefs n I found a pair and the name of the brand is Naked n Famous, what a start to my Thursday
Where’s Evelyn???
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