Skeletal, Cancer-Stricken' Apple boss, Steve Jobs, May Have Just 'Six Weeks' To Live
Apple founder Steve Jobs has lost an alarming amount of weight and is reportedly sicker than has been previously admitted.
The computer genius announced in late January that 'at my request, the board of directors has granted me a medical leave of absence so I can focus on my health.'
Since then Apple employees have claimed that he can still be seen at the company's headquarters in California and is also calling all the strategic shots from his home.
But today shocking new pictures were published in the supermarket tabloid the National Enquirer which suggests things are worse than Apple would have the world believe.
The Enquirer claims that the man behind the iPod, iPhone and iPad is stricken with pancreatic cancer and may have just six weeks to live.
The new photos show Mr Jobs looking painfully frail and weak, with his jeans and dark top hanging loosely on his 6ft 2in, rail-thin body.
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