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Bed Intruder Costume is #1 Costume for 2010

Sunday, September 26, 2010 , Posted by HTMZ.COM at 3:40 PM

antoine dodson costume the bedroom superhero

Bed Intruder Costume is #1 Costume for 2010

" hide ya kids hide ya wife"

Currently have 43 comments:

  1. Cindy Mac says:

    Hahaha go get yours now www.BEDINTRUDERCOSTUME.com ...I just pre-ordered mine!

  1. Anonymous says:

    stop raping Antoine Dodson! he'd better be getting a cut of the profits!

  1. Check out my take. http://brothers4ever2.blogspot.com/

  1. Anonymous says:

    You know what happens when you try to take advantage of Antoine Dodson?


  1. Nik says:

    He has stated on Facebook you all don't have his permission to sell this. Get ready for a lawsuit or cut him a check!

  1. Anonymous says:

    Antoine gonna find u! U dont' have permission to sell this! Thieves!

  1. Hupper says:

    He gon'find u!!!

  1. Anonymous says:

    He gon find ya'llz n ur not gona like it when a lawsuit is @ ur door step
    ANTIONE NEEDS A CUT... cant wait 2 c wat happens :)

  1. Anonymous says:




  1. Anonymous says:

    He gon find you .. He gon Find you So you can run And tell that .. HOMEBOY

  1. Anonymous says:

    You guys are all fucking stupid, so what if they sell this costume without his permission, you can get red bandanas and black tanks at goddamn walmart, why not bitch about walmart too then? Idiots....

  1. Anonymous says:

    Because they are directly selling this as an "Antoine Dodson" costume. Walmart doesn't have their Jeans, Red Bandannas, and Black tank-tops labeled as that.


  1. Anonymous says:

    Idiot!!! You can not sell someone's imagine. It has nothing to do with the clothing that he wears. You can not profit from his imagine without his permission. Use your brain so you want be an idiot forever. While you are at lt you might want to learn how to better express yourself and not have to resort to profane language. It shows what an IDIOT you are.

  1. anonymous says:

    Sorry too tell you, but our legal system is not gonna give two fucks about this whole situation. If Mr. Dodson does decides he wants to sue to get a cut all the courts will do is make the company producing the costumes, change the name. Which will more than likely be "Bed Intruder" which is still gonna be associated with Mr. Dodson's 15 minutes of fame, but there would be nothing he can do about it because "Bed Intruder" is not trademarked. So, when it comes down too it, it would be a waste of time and money.

  1. Anonymous says:

    You can't use someones name to sell merch without their permission. And I am sure the courts will listen to that. Even if it is judge judy. Carry on Antoine and get 15 min more of fame with Judge Judy

  1. Anonymous says:

    You are all fucking idiots. He COULD sue YES if he decided to, but there are many lawyers that would crush what he could afford in court easily. they can't USE HIS NAME, doesn't matter if Wal mart sells all that shit or not, and yes, that was all imagined and shit by him and not copyrighted...but IF they use his name, he gets profits, it's that simple...unless it's the Government using his name, and in that case, he can't sue because as soon as you get a birth certificate, you essentially are owned by your Government, so they can really do what they'd like with you. THAT IS THE ONLY WAY AROUND THAT.... IF THEY USE HIS NAME..WITHOUT Mr.Dodson's permission, he can sue the shit out of them.

    What, you think that DJ Pauly D would make a costume of himself if he wasn't getting paid? ...not likely.

    BUT, if someone goes to wal mart and buys a black tank top and wears a red bandana and they say they're him for Halloween, THAT is not infringment...you are free to do so lol.


  1. Anonymous says:

    You are so dumb.

    "likeness" does not need to be his picture.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Trademark is a loose term. The fact he is on video talking and dressed is as good as trademark.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Yall got to be the dumbest .... really... sellin a costume of someone else.... roflmao... good luck gettin that off the ground!!!

  1. Anonymous says:

    Why would you make some costume of a red bandana, a black tank, and an afro wig. Seriously? I could probably put together the same costume using half of the money this costume costs.

  1. Mo Merrell says:

    They can sell it but not under his name..remove his name and you are good to go

  1. Mo Merrell says:

    And if Bed Intruder isn't copywritted by him..they can use that too. He does not own rights to the term Bed Intruder.

    I wonder if he can even trademark such a term being that it is a term that can be used by whoever right? If he trademarked it and someone had an intruder they couldn't say bed intruder..that would be stupid as hell.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Hilarious! Love the skinny model too, must've been harder to source him in America than the outfit. ;-p

  1. Anonymous says:

    Hide your trademark!
    Hide your business ethics!

    Antoine Dodson has a website and sells authentic T-SHirts.

    He gonna find you!

    DON"T BUY RIPOFF Buy from ANTOINE the REAL Bed Intruder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. Anonymous says:


  1. Anonymous says:

    "Bed Intruder" isn't copyrighted. There's no Trademark.
    They don't call it an "Antoine Dodson" costume.
    What would he do if he had the money? Make up another account of his sister getting attacked? Really? Someone attacked THAT?? They probably thought it was a wild animal.


    Antoine's own post.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Antoine gets his revenge

  1. Anonymous says:

    That's fucking stupid, you can buy a shirt and bandanna at target or walmart.

  1. Anonymous says:

    HAHA I AGREE!! Ridiculous to even call this a costume, also the person that spends money buying this instead of getting this for like $4 at walmart would be truly stupid.

  1. Anonymous says:

    So should the makers of Barack Obama masks cut the President a check?

  1. hoodtmz.com says:

    if theres any thing els you guys wanna see on the site let me know also check out http://www.hoodtmz.com

  1. Anonymous says:

    Antoine cannot sue over this. However, if he is not getting a cut, you can make the choice and not buy the costume. Apparently, Antoine will be selling his own ensemble...check his Facebook page.

  1. Anonymous says:

    You are so dumb...you are really really dumb!

  1. Anonymous says:

    Oh yeah, all for un-necessary bashing makes me wanna buy ANYTHING from your company! good marketing plan!

  1. Anonymous says:

    Well if Paris F*ckin hilton can trademark "thats hot" and sue people over it, why cant Antoine Trademark his little catch phrase? He would be stupid not to make some money off the phrases HE made famous.

  1. Anonymous says:

    you are so dumb..you are really dumb, for real.

  1. Stephanie says:

    They're not SELLING IT. They're promoting it. Which means your beloved Antoine lied so you would check out where the disgusting "costume" was being offered.

    And really, Antoine wouldn't be anything if it weren't for the Gregory Bros that autotuned his little speech from the news that everyone was already mocking and ridiculing because of his obvious homosexuality. It's more disgusting than it is tragic, and should just be forgotten about much like every other viral video.

  1. Anonymous says:


  1. Anonymous says:



  1. Anonymous says:

    hoodtmz is a scammer watch your self and dont fall for the lies

  1. Anonymous says:

    @ Stephanie. You are so dumb, you are really dumb...for real!! It's the principal of the matter. Put away your holier than thou attitude for 2 seconds to realize that it's just supposed to be funny. If you don't like it, don't watch it. But don't presume to come on here and blame everyone else who is enjoying REGARDLESS of whether it got made into a song or not. The fact that you waste time spouting off your right-wing ideals is what is tragic. And your obvious "homosexuality is why the world is laughing at him" undertone is what is disgusting. Check yoself before you wreck yoself...homeboy!!!

  1. Anonymous says:

    He gon' find you!! he made an official one im just sayin

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