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what the eff man..this dude found 17G's in a bag and gave it to police....#1 who does that? #2 y the police? #3 WHY THE POLICE????!!!!

Saturday, June 11, 2011 , Posted by HTMZ.COM at 11:18 AM

A 54-year-old Chicago-area man who found more than $17,000 cash gave up his lucky payday on Monday, when he turned it over to police.

Robert Adams of Arlington Heights says he was waiting to use an ATM in Rolling Meadows, when he noticed a clear plastic bag containing mostly $20 and $100 bills.

Mr Adams tried to return the bag with 'Chase' written on it to a nearby bank branch but employees said it didn't belong to them. Police determined it was under the care of Loomis, an armoured truck company.

Mr Adams said he was craving an ice-cold drink after finishing his shift as a stationary engineer at a Northwest Side hospital, but not having enough money to buy the burrito, he stopped at a nearby ATM.

At first thought someone was playing a trick when he saw the plastic bag filled with money lying next to a news box in a suburban strip mall.

He told the Daily Herald: 'I wanted to get a large horchata, which is almost like a rice or coconut milk. I would have grabbed a chorizo burrito, too, but I didn't have enough money.

'I see this plastic bag. It's clear plastic and it's half full of money.'

No thanks! Mr Adams handed the bag over to police, who determined it was under the care of armoured truck company Loomis

'I figure this is a joke. Somebody took some napkins and made it look like money. This has to be a set-up. People are going to look at me and start laughing.'

Mr Adams said he never had the urge to keep any of the money.

'It's not my money. I shouldn't take it. I don't care if you put another zero on there, I wasn't raised to take money that isn't mine,' said Adams, a single man who lives in Arlington Heights and credits his deceased parents for teaching him right from wrong.

'If I saw you drop it, I'd say, "Excuse me, sir. I think you dropped something."'

The word 'Chase' was printed on the bag, so Adams carried it inside the nearby branch.

'I walk up to the teller and say, "I think you might have left this outside," said Adams, figuring an employee left it behind after restocking the ATM. But employees told him the machine is filled from inside and the money didn't belong to the bank.

Mr Adams then called police, who along with bank officials later determined the money was meant for an ATM in Midlothian and had been under the care of Loomis, an armoured truck company.

Rolling Meadows police took the money to the station, where it was picked up by a Loomis official. ((tears drops...))


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2002117/Good-Samaritan-finds--returns--bag-17-000-cash.html#ixzz1P0KfF71x

Currently have 1 comments:

  1. Robert Adams says:

    Hi. This is Bob Adams the guy who found the money. It was in fact $20,100 with the checks. I am pleased that most of the comments are positive and thought I did the right thing. The manager of maintenance at Resurrection Medical Center where I work used this story as a moral example for his two sons. I have talked to many others who told me it helped them in some way to read about this. Our mission nun Sr. Clara Frances said that I am an example to everyone. I have had my fifteen minutes of fame as Mr. Warhol said. Maybe thats reward enough. There is one person who I lost as a friend who I would like to be friends with again. Maybe this will help make that happen.
    Oh. And the answer to the question is you turn it in because you are on three cameras and if you keep it you go to jail....its called theft of lost property. lol.

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