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kim cant get enough...but she swears shes not cheating

Thursday, June 9, 2011 , Posted by HTMZ.COM at 11:17 AM

Kim Kardashian is upset that InTouch decided to print a story claiming that she cheated on her fiance with NFL player Bret Lockett. She's trying to sue the magazine:

TMZ has obtained a demand letter, written by Kim's lawyer, threatening "In Touch" that if it ran the cheating story Kim would take legal action. The letter put "In Touch" on notice ... the cheating allegations "are, at a minimum, damaging, defamatory, and an invasion of her privacy."

Nevertheless, "In Touch" is publishing the story in its new issue. In the story, Lockett is quoted, saying, "I knew this was a game to her, and this is what she does." Lockett adds, "She pursued me."

You can view a actual copy of the letter after the jump. Don't know if this is legit, but Kim always struck me as the kind of chick who would play shady games then pretend like she got cheated on. She started her career with porn more or less, lest we forget.

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