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Four people, including two juveniles, were arrested Friday afternoon during a traffic stop that netted police nearly $9,000 worth of packaged heroin.

Monday, June 6, 2011 , Posted by HTMZ.COM at 7:36 AM

 patrol Officers Amhard Red!! and Thomas Luker spotted a Dodge Magnum running stop signs in the 500 block of West Seventh St., said Wilmington police spokesman Sgt. Daniel Selekman.

The officers pursued the car and stopped it.

A passenger seated in the rear of the car bailed out of the vehicle and took off, Selekman said.

The passenger, a 16-year-old New Castle boy, tossed five logs of heroin during the foot chase before being captured by Red!!, police said. When taken into custody, the teen was in possession of four grams of crack cocaine.

The heroin logs recovered by the officers contained 675 individual bags of heroin packaged for sale, police said.

A bag containing 14 grams of crack cocaine was also found in plain sight on the rear seat when the other three suspects were arrested, Selekman said.

In addition to the 16-year-old boy, police arrested the driver of the car, Aaron Cephas, 29, of the 800 block of West Sixth St., and a 17-year-old New Castle boy.

The 17-year-old suspect was out on bail following a prior arrest for trafficking heroin and crack cocaine, police said.

Cephas and the two juveniles were each charged with trafficking heroin, trafficking cocaine, possession with intent to deliver heroin, possession with intent to deliver cocaine, maintaining a vehicle for drug sales and conspiracy.

Cephas was additionally charged with driving while suspended, aggressive and reckless driving, driving at an unreasonable speed, failure to signal and two counts of failure to stop at a stop sign.

The 16-year-old suspect was also charged with resisting arrest.

Another passenger in the car, identified as Richard Hamilton, 29, of the 300 block of E. Hazeldell Ave. in New Castle, was released without being charged.

Following their arrests, the state Attorney General's Office was alerted and prosecutor Michael Hendee was sent over to ensure that the offenders received the maximum bail.

"It's a coordinated effort," Capt. Marlyn Dietz said of the partnership, because suspects in drug cases are usually repeat offenders.

Bail amounts for the suspects were not immediately available Friday night.

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