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couple leaves baby in the car while they go to strip club

Monday, June 6, 2011 , Posted by HTMZ.COM at 10:58 AM

WDRB Fox 41) -- Police say EMS had to be called after two Louisville parents left an infant child in the back seat of a hot car while they visited a local strip club.
Police say they received a phone call about an infant trapped in the back seat of a black Chevy Impala, while the parents had gone inside to the bar. When officers arrived, they found the child in the back seat, soaked in sweat.

At that point, 43-year-old Laura Diprimo -- listed as the child's mother -- allegedly ran out of the strip club and jumped in the car, lowering the windows. 28-year-old Thomas W. Lee -- listed on the arrest report as the father -- walked out of the strip club wearing an ankle bracelet. (Police say he was supposed to be on home incarceration in Clark County, Ind.)

In court on Wednesday, however, both parents denied they'd done anything wrong. Lee told the judge, "I would never do that to my baby boy, I love him." And Diprimo said, "I am not guilty of this either...I did not leave my son in the car."

The heat index at the time of the incident, according to police, was 91 degrees. The arrest report indicates that the child had been left alone in the car for at least 10-15 minutes.

"This created a severe risk of danger to the child who was sweating and crying in the back seat," police say.

Both suspects had allegedly been drinking.

Both Lee and Diprimo were arrested and charged with wanton endangerment. Police say that, while en route to the jail, Lee complained about the heat in the back of the police car.

Probation authorities say Lee was already in trouble for neglecting his one-year-old son and battery against the child's mother. The new charge means probation will be revoked and he could end up back behind bars for three years.

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