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footage from osama bin ladens hide out

Saturday, May 7, 2011 , Posted by HTMZ.COM at 3:08 PM

WASHINGTON — Video footage taken from Osama bin Laden's hideout in Abbotabad, Pakistan, show the terrorist leader watching news coverage of himself on television.

The five U.S. government-selected clips offer the first public glimpse at bin Laden's life behind the walls of his compound in suburban Pakistan. The videos include outtakes of his propaganda films and, taken together, portray him as someone obsessed with his own image and how he is portrayed to the world.

A senior intelligence officer described the information seized from the compound as "the single largest collection" of senior terrorist material ever, NBC News reported. The videos were seized by Navy SEALs after bin Laden was killed Monday.

Officials said they removed audio from the clips because they believed it was "inappropriate" to spread the word of a terrorist, NBC News reported. Video highlights from NBC:

Video 1: A complete, unreleased message to the American people. U.S. intelligence said it was dated some time between October 9 to Nov. 5, 2010. Bin Laden is shown sitting down, dressed in a gold robe, his beard is dyed black and the background is blue. There is no audio but the official said bin Laden is giving his standard message of condemning U.S. policy and capitalism.

Video 2: Bin Laden is sitting on the floor watching a television with video of his own images playing. First you see the TV screen with a menu of channels and then he selects a channel. A video of bin Laden appears on the screen. Then the camera pans over to bin Laden sitting on the floor. He has a gray beard and a black hat on, and is wrapped in a blanket. He is holding the remote control and pointing it at the television, which is sitting on a small, simple wooden table.

Video 3: A practice video. He has a dyed black beard and a wooden background, which was described as armoire. The official said they have concluded that the armoire in this video is the same one that was found on the compound. There is no date on the video. click this link for all videos 


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